TFS 2012 다중 체크 아웃 문제

까망군 2013. 3. 25. 20:38

다중 체크아웃 문제

I would like to disable multiple check-outs for our TFS projects. Here is how I expect it to work:

  1. Bob checks out File1.cs.
  2. Joe double-clicks on File1.cs in his Visual Studio Solution Explorer and tries to modify it buts sees an error message saying that someone already has that file checked-out so he cannot check it out.

I've tried setting it up like this in Visual Studio for both Bob and Joe:

  1. Within Team->Team Project Collection Settings->Source Control...->Workspace Settings Tab I changed the default workspace type from "Local (recommended)" to "Server".
  2. Within Team->Team Project Settings->Source Control...->Check-out Settings Tab I changedEnable multiple check-out to be unchecked.
  3. Within Source Control Explorer->Workspace Combobox->Workspaces...->Edit...->Advanced->Location I changed "Local" to "Server".

Still, however, Bob and Joe can both check-out the same file at the same time. Is there some other configurations options that need to be set?

해결 법

The issue (as pointed out by Edward Thomson) was that step 3 had not been performed on all of the users' workspaces.